
Woodpecker –
Your Perfect Partner for Effortless Cold Emailing!

"Send Emails like a Pro - Automate your Follow-ups with the Right Tool for You!" - Try It Now and See Results

Use Woodpecker Cold Email to

Bring new leads

Get more sales

surpass your company goals

Woodpecker is easy

Keep your sender reputation safe with real‑time email list verification, Warm‑up & recovery, Deliverability Monitor, and Bounce Shield.

Make every message you send feel real and personal.
Easy to Onboard

We’ll work with you to help make your onboarding as smooth as possible.
Easy to Integrate

Woodpecker easily integrates with all your tried and true software.
Easy to Learn

We get that you might not be a cold emailing expert - but our intuitive interface, support team, blog content, and tutorials will get you there.

Woodpecker is safe

Unique Algorithm
Our algorithm acts human and helps you avoid mistakes - like sending emails to someone who already replied.
Measure your success with our reports - including open, click & response tracking - and quantify what you need to do next.

Woodpecker connects


Woodpecker integrates with your inbox and sends opening emails and follow-ups from there. You step in when the contact responds.
Delivered emails

The more emails that reach the inbox - and not spam - the better. And this is where Woodpecker really delivers!
Warm-up & recovery
Warm up your domain and protects your emails from landing in unimportant tabs or spam.
A/B testing
Test different elements of your email and create your future email campaigns based on what works.
Condition-based campaigns & manual tasks
Create customized follow-up sequences that automatically respond to prospect actions, taking the conversation further.
Deliverability Monitor
This catches email delivery issues before they happen and reacts accordingly in your own interest.
Bounce Shield
Feel safe about the sending limits of your email provider - don't ever get blocked.

Get started

Best Results with Woodpecker

Woodpecker Sales Automation
Fine-tunes your engagement rates with advanced features
Test your cold emails towards success and customize your follow-ups.


Pinpoints your outreach with Manual Tasks
Schedule manual to-dos to engage with prospects on other channels.

Do you require something more sophisticated?

Woodpecker Agency
Streamlines your day-to-day lead generation
All your client accounts are on one intuitive panel where everything you need is one click away.
Grows with your business
Your agency might have larger aspirations and Woodpecker will grow with you at scale.


Find out what Woodpecker Cold Email
can do for you

 2023 All Rights reserved
Woodpecker Sales Automation
Woodpecker Cold Email
Woodpecker Agency